Product Portfolio

Our work shows our ability. We entitle your business with advanced tools and technologies to offer cutting-edge solutions.

Products Portfolio: Product Details

In this section, you'll find comprehensive details about the software products developed by our team. From innovative applications to cutting-edge solutions, each product is meticulously crafted to meet the evolving needs of our clients and users.

Astrology Consultation Application with Audio-Video Calls, Chat with Live Streaming

our new astrology app is the perfect solution for anyone looking to start their own astrology business.

Human Resource Management System (HRm) with Employee And Project Management Tool.

It is a combination of systems and processes that connect human resource management and information technology 

Inventory Management System with Point Of Sale

Our application handles all aspects of sales and stock management. Manage Sales & Sales Return Invoices, Payments, Purchase & Purchase Return Invoices, Payments, Customers information, and Suppliers information.

Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR)

Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) is a highly accurate system capable of reading vehicle number plates without human intervention

Face Detection Application from pictures

This script recognizes faces from images, purely built in pyhton3.8 using cv2.

News Application for both Android and iOS Devices

Ultimate news app for those who want to stay updated on the latest news and weather information.

Realtime Chatting App with push notification

You can chat with friends or group on real time. the final application can be built both for Android and iOS platforms.

Automated tool to comment on Instagram

We have created an automated tool to comment on people who have posted specific photos of specific tags on Instagram.

Bill Payment & Mobile Recharge System

online platform designed to facilitate the payment of various utility bills and services. make payments for airtime, internet data, cable TV subscriptions, electricity bills, and more.


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